Switch Menu |

My best attempt at recreating the Nintendo Switch menu UI using HTML/CSS/JS. Works best on a Chrome browser on a non-touchscreen device.

WatchNext |

WatchNext will help you eliminate the time spent surfing Netflix and Hulu and get to what matters most - watching films!


Seinoscope |

React/Redux/Express app for getting your unique, daily Seinfeld-themed horoscope.


More Projects

DJ Drum Pad Controller |

This project imitates the software UI of a DJ controller or MPC (MIDI Production Controller).

No libraries, no jQuery, just some good old-fashioned vanilla JS!


Mission Trail |

A text-based adventure game in the vein and graphic style of the Atari/PC game, Oregon Trail, updated for the modern San Francisco Millennial.

Millennials are the first generation to be burdened by FOMO, or the fear of missing out, due to constant connectivity to the internet. In this game, the user encounters situations familiar to the modern-day Millennial, and must strategically choose options that keep their FOMO score low.


Todo List |

MERN stack app where a user can sign up, log in, and keep a list of Todos.


Run Rickey Run |

The Run Rickey Run Google Chrome extension changes every instance of first-person pronouns on a web page to "Rickey Henderson," and updates the web page's styling to cool Oakland A's colors. Inspired by Rickey's penchant for speaking in the third person.



A multi-page React app for ordering pizza.
